The Turkish Prosecutor's Office asks to transfer the trial in the Khashoggi case to Riyadh

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The murder of Saudi columnist Jamal Khashoggi at his Istanbul consulate in 2018 shocked the world and further dented relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia. However, yesterday the Turkish prosecutor requested the closure of the case, so that he is transferred to Riyadh. A 180 degree turn, which coincides with an offensive by Ankara to repair ties with the oil kingdom.

According to the private press agency DHA, the prosecutor argues that the investigation orders relating to the 26 Saudi defendants in absentia cannot be executed. The request has been confirmed by Hatice Cengiz, Khashoggi’s fiancee, until he fell into the deadly trap that the Saudi authorities had set for him in his own consulate.

The turn in the trial coincides with Ankara’s will to rebuild bridges with the Arab neighbor

“At today’s hearing (yesterday), the prosecutor has requested, in accordance with the Saudi demand, the transfer of the investigation to Saudi Arabia and its closure in Turkey,” Cengiz said. The trial on Turkish territory began in July 2020, without any possibility of collaboration on the part of the Saudi authorities. These, in parallel, began their own process behind closed doors –already concluded– with harsh but selective sentences that were difficult to verify, since the identity of those convicted was not clarified.

The next hearing was scheduled for April 7. The Turkish magistrates have taken note of the request and have sent a query to the Turkish Ministry of Justice.

The dismemberment of Khashoggi, whose body has never appeared, put the Saudi crown prince, Mohamed bin Salman, in the pillory for the proven participation of several of his trusted men. However, the current world commotion, in parallel with reconciliation movements in the Middle East, unthinkable a couple of years ago, have changed the order of priorities.

Although Turkey was key in breaking the pan-Arab blockade on Qatar, much has changed since last year. The economic siege has been lifted and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who a few months ago walked through the Abu Dhabi Expo –and even more recently received the President of Israel– has also announced an official visit to Riyadh.

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