The left agrees on the tourist tax with a moratorium that takes its application to the end of 2023

The Botànic groups (PSPV, Compromís and Unides Podem) have taken advantage of this Thursday’s plenary session without a control session to finalize an agreement on the tourist tax. An agreement that, in the absence of small fringes, is already closed and will be presented next week if there are no last minute surprises.

Thus, they half fulfill the commitment that the three groups acquired at the end of 2021 to present in Les Corts Valencianes -before the end of March- a bill creating the “Valencian tax on tourist stays”.

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Enrique Bolland, Hector Sanjuan


The text, explain the negotiators to The vanguardis based on the draft that was already presented in the joint amendment of the tourist tax presented by Compromís and UP and includes the contributions of the meetings held with different actors in the sector.

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Enrique Bolland, Hector Sanjuan


The norm includes the socialist requirement that it be a voluntary and municipal tax. In addition, as the socialists understood that now the pandemic had been overcome, but suffering from the effects of the war, its approval was not convenient, the implementation of a moratorium has been agreed that will postpone its application.


The moratorium and the tax approval deadlines postpone its actual application to the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024

The fee may not be collected until one year after its application. Thus, if it follows a normal parliamentary procedure -presentation of the proposal, appearances and amendments- its approval will not be voted on before the fall of this year; to which one more year must be added, since the text provides for “a moratorium of one year from its publication in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV)”. Therefore, it will not be a reality until the end of 2023, beginning of 2024.

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Sergio Sampedro, Neus Navarro

The regional secretary of Tourism, Francesc Colomer, chatting with the president of Hosbec, Antoni Mayor.


A group of tourists wait with their suitcases in the historic center of Valencia.


Likewise, the rule provides for important exemptions for people with disabilities, packages such as Imserso, athletes who participate in competitions or professionals who attend congresses.

Likewise, the municipalities will be given a series of destinations for the money collected so that they can choose if they prefer to invest in cleaning, tourism promotion, natural resources, cultural heritage or sustainable mobility, among other issues.

the new rate

The text provides exemptions for many groups

In addition, the consistory may apply the percentage of the tax that it wishes. One of the fringes that remains to be closed is the possibility that the amount may change depending on whether it is high or low season. The problem is that the formula to make it possible has not been found.

Finally, the text, as this newspaper has learned, provides for the creation of a monitoring committee of the Generalitat Valenciana to help and guide the consistories that wish to implement this tax.

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