The Congress of Peru refuses to remove Pedro Castillo

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The Congress of Peru has rejected this Tuesday an impeachment motion against President Pedro Castillo for an alleged “moral incapacity” to hold office. With 55 votes in favor, 54 against and 19 abstentions, the promoters have not reached the necessary two thirds.

The decision has been made after more than ten hours of full which began with a presentation by Castillo in the hemicycle, in which he assured that there are no facts “that merit” the motion presented against him by a sector of the political opposition that was debated in Parliament.

The ruler pointed out that the points of the accusation of the impeachment based on news reports on cases that are “in the preliminary investigation phase”, on which the Prosecutor’s Office has not opened any process.

Castillo was summoned this Monday before the plenary session of Parliament to defend himself against the second request for presidential dismissal launched by a sector of the political opposition, the eighth process of this type that a Peruvian president has faced since 1992.

To vacate the president 87 votes of the 130 members were required of the Legislative.

The debate was suspended due to a dispute between parliamentarians

The president of the Congress of Peru, María del Carmen Alva, temporarily suspended impeachment debate due to a dispute between parliamentarians, after one of them showed a banner against the president.

The incident began minutes after Castillo addressed the plenary session and when his lawyer, José Palomino, was trying to explain the reasons why the legislators should vote against the impeachment. Then, Vivian Olivos, congresswoman from the Popular Force Fujimori party, put out a poster in favor of the vacancy, which caused the ruling party of Free Peru to begin to shout and to ask him to withdraw it.

After the decision adopted by Alva, who had warned Olivos on several occasions, several deputies went to the seat of the Fujimori congresswoman and tried to remove the sign.

They order the arrest of two nephews of the president

The Public Ministry of Peru has also ordered this Monday the preliminary detention for ten days against 11 people investigated by alleged corruption in the environment of the Executiveamong them the former secretary of the Government Palace Bruno Pacheco and two nephews of President Pedro Castillo.

Friar Vasquez Castillo and Gian Marco Castillothe president’s nephews, have been charged as alleged primary accomplices of a crime of aggravated collusion and alleged perpetrators of a crime of criminal organization.

The businessman Zamir Villaverde He has also been arrested, as confirmed by his legal defender to journalists outside his client’s home in the Lima district of La Molina. To his name has been added those of Víctor Valdivia and Gorge Pasapera, from the Termirex company.

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