plastic waste management

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As of this Friday, the new waste lawwhose objective is to drastically reduce the garbage that we generate in our daily lives. Specifically, the text declare war on plastic: the sale of straws, glasses and cutlery of this material is prohibited and there will be a tax that will tax single-use plastics. The objective is cut its sales in half in five years. At the Table of the World, today we ask our correspondents how plastic waste is managed in other countries.

On Italywaste management has been business and source of financing for organized crime. Although recycling levels have improved notably in the last decade, the problem of Romewhere garbage roams the streets. The United Kingdom It is the second country in the world that produces the most plastic waste, which contrasts with the insufficient treatment and recycling infrastructures. Behind the Brexittheir standards are even lower. On Israelthe low awareness of recycling contrasts with the enormous production of plastic waste per citizen, five times greater than in Europe.

With jordi barcia (correspondent in Rome), Sarah Alonso (London correspondent) and Maria Gamez (Jerusalem correspondent).

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