Map of the coronavirus in the world and data on its evolution

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This news is updated daily from Monday to Friday with information from different international sources.

The new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the disease COVID-19, has caused to date more than 486 million cases in the world and more than 6.1 million deathsaccording to the independent count from Johns Hopkins University, which monitors the situation of the coronavirus with general data from all the countries in the world since the beginning of the pandemic.

The The world exceeded 300 million infections at the beginning of January 2022 and in just one month it added another hundred million at a frenetic pace of more than three million cases a day on average, figures never seen before in the pandemic, due to the expansion of the omicron variant throughout the planet.

The United States is the country with the highest death toll, with more than 979,000 deaths; followed by Brazil, with more than 659,000; and India, with more than 521,000 deaths.

This is how the number of cases and deaths in the world evolves.

Situation Summary

One year after the start of the pandemic, at the end of January 2021, the world reached 100 million infections. Twelve months later another 300 million were added, the last 100 in just over four weeks. The country with the most infections in absolute terms continues to be the United States, followed by India and Brazil.

After two weeks on the rise, new cases of COVID-19 decreased by 14% in the last weekaccording to the latest report from the World Health Organization. However, the WHO warns that these data should be interpreted with caution, since vSeveral countries -including Spain- are making progressive changes in their detection strategies. This “produces a lower number of tests and, consequently, less detection,” says the agency.

By countries, South Korea It has been the territory that has reported the most new cases in the last week (2.4 million), followed by Germany (1.5 million) and Vietnam (1.1 million)

At the opposite pole, the number of weekly COVID deaths in the world has increased by 43% between March 21 and 27. According to the agency, the growth in deaths is motivated by a change in the definition of deaths caused by this disease in Chile and the United States, which have reported 11,858 and 5,367 new deaths in the last week.

Apart from these settings, India (4,525 deaths), Russia (2,859) and South Korea (2,471) are the countries with the highest mortality in the last seven days.

Begining of June, Peru conducted a review of their data which involved the incorporation of more than 115,000 deceased by coronavirus to its official statistics. With more than 212,000 registered deaths, the South American country has thus become the country with the highest mortality rate in the world.

All in all, the official count of COVID-19 deaths is certainly lower than the actual excess deaths. The WHO itself estimates that the real numbers of deaths from coronavirus are two or three times higher than the official count, due in large part to the collapse experienced in the health system of many countries, which has prevented faithful monitoring of the impact of the disease.

Data by continents

On United Statesthe hardest-hit nation, the arrival at the White House of Democrat Joe Biden marked a change of course in the management of the pandemic. On the other hand, Chinathe epicenter country of the outbreak, has contained the advance of the pandemic for months, although the arrival of ómicron triggered the cases. However, in Asia The most affected country is Indiathe second most populous in the world, which has not been able to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

On Africa, infections accelerated in the last months of 2021. The continent adds more than 11.5 million cases and exceeds 251,000 deaths, when vaccination percentages are still low. And in Latin Americathe countries with the most cases are Brazil, Argentina and Colombia.

On Oceania, the tonic has been severe restrictions. Australiawhich has registered more than 4.5 million infections and more than 5,900 deaths, is experiencing the worst moment of the pandemic after keeping the virus at bay for almost two years. New Zealandwhich imposed a very strict confinement, declared the country free of coronavirus in the summer of 2020 and he did it again months later after controlling his active outbreaks.

The coronavirus, which has already left more than six million deaths worldwidehas, however, had a unequal lethality in each territory: Although the United States, Brazil and India are the three countries with the most deaths in absolute terms, the comparison between the deaths of countries with more than one million inhabitants in relation to their population reveals that Peru is the one with the highest mortality ratewith 643 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. Spain, which came to occupy second place in this ranking, currently reports a rate of 219 deaths and is no longer among the 25 with the highest mortality.

The following graph shows the accumulated data of the pandemic in each continent and the proportion it represents with respect to the total. Europe is now the continent with the most infections, with about 37%, ahead of America, with 31%. As for deaths, the American region accumulates the highest number, 44%, ahead of Europe, with almost 29%.

However, this distribution has not always been like this. The virus has already circled the world several times.. Since the pandemic broke out in China at the end of 2019, the different waves of infections and deaths have affected the planet unevenly. Cases grew in Europe in March 2020, although the virus hit America soonand in October the million deaths were already reached on a global scale. In January 2021, the coronavirus exceeded one hundred million people infected and a few months later it reached two hundred. The advance of new variants, such as delta and the recent omicron, has caused cases to accelerate around the globe.

The pandemic in Spain

The coronavirus spread through Spain from February 2020 and in mid-March forced to impose the state of alarm to try to stop the infections and alleviate the saturation in hospitals. For more than two months, the Spanish suffered one of the strictest confinements in the world, which did not prevent health services were overwhelmed in many places before flattening the curve.

With everything, Spain continues to be one of the countries with the most cases and deaths with COVID-19 on the planet and after a rebound of SARS-CoV-2 with the emergence of ómicron, it is in a better state, thanks in large part to the high coverage of its vaccination campaign. How is the situation now?

Methodology and sources

For the preparation of this information, data from the Ministry of Health or official sources of each country were used, which were combined with those offered on a global scale by the Center for Science and Engineering of the Johns Hopkins University in the United States. However, the latter is the only source of data for the graphs of this news since August 2021. However, the information from this body is periodically contrasted with official sources to ensure its accuracy.

To reduce the inconsistency of the data pending consolidation, the curves of cases, countries that have reported the most cases in the last 14 days and deaths only reach up to three days before the current date.

We use the definition of countries set by the United Nations: 193 countries, Palestine and the Vatican. Since last July, the graph of daily deaths per 100,000 inhabitants shows the countries that have registered at least 100 deaths and that are among the 15 most populous on each continent.

For its part, the table of cases and deaths of COVID-19 in the world orders the countries from highest to lowest cumulative incidence. To harmonize this measure in all latitudes, the definition of cases per 100,000 inhabitants notified in the last 14 days is used, whose evolution can be observed in the graph that accompanies each territory. The variation of the incidence is calculated with respect to the period of 14 days immediately after that contemplated in the main indicator. As for deaths, the deaths reported in the last seven days and their rate per 100,000 inhabitants with respect to the population of each country are shown.

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