Banner and balcony heroes, Quim Torra week

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Following the publication of his second ‘Dietari’ of memoirs, Quim Torra has taken the opportunity to acquire prominence. That eagerness in search of visibility is very human, and by the way go putting ‘cullerada’ on any little thing. In his well-retired comfort of ‘ex-president’, surely tower miss spotlights, cameras and microphones. And on the occasion of the presentation of his book, he has achieved a very showy week on television and radio.

In ‘Més 324’, for example, one of the proclamations that tower launched in a public forum that same day, when with a very beautiful ardor he said: «In Scotland, referendum for 2023! Well, the Catalans too! Let’s do it the same day!” After passing that moment I noticed that Xavier Graset He was transfixed for a second, but exclaimed, recovering immediately: «Catalonia, Scotland, Scotland, Catalonia… a joc de miralls!» which is a perfect phrase when you don’t know what to say. the professor Joseph Joan Moreso who was there as a guest, added this lucid brushstroke: “Beware of what Karl Marx said: history repeats itself twice, the first time as a tragedy, and the second as a farce!”. oh! It was a final point.

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The next day graset he culled again another moment Torra, when in Catalunya Ràdio he began to demand disobedience! full throttle, and Dolors Bassa I answer: “In your legislature, how many of you disobeyed while we were in jail?”. Here graset He was very quick: he changed the subject right away. We agree: there are shames that it is better not to stir up too much. The only TV-3 program in which they have dedicated tower a masseuse servility, as if he were a hero of the independence movement for having placed a little banner on the balcony, was in the temple of ‘Frequent questions’. With great enthusiasm the presenter asked him: “And if Puigdemont calls him back to be ‘president’ again?”. AND tower answered: «Estic decebut, però…yes, yes, yes, I would agree!». oh! My flute canary Papitu had to go for some tests, and there was no way to find a single drop of blood in his body.

What did you say Tony Solerin ‘Està passant’: «Too bad Torra has everything so clear…’després d’haver plegat!’». And they put a Torra on the screen on the balcony with a little banner that said “Teachers, press down & rdquor;. A hero, no doubt.

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