'Viva la vida' interviews Ramón Santiago Jiménez, a murderer of Sandra Palo

On May 17, 2003, the young Sandra Palo with a slight mental disability was brutally raped and murdered at the age of 22 by a group of minors. Among them was the one known as ‘El Malaguita’, but there was also another boy, who was 17 years old at the time, who actively participated in the heinous crime. We are talking about Ramón Santiago Jiménez.

This weekend, Live life exclusively interviewed the young man while the mother of the murdered woman, María del Mar, listened to his apologies from the set of Telecinco. Given what happened, the networks were filled with criticism of the program, which they called “trash TV” and asking for its cancellation. The controversy is reminiscent of what happened years ago with the disappeared format of The Ferris Wheel after interviewing one of Marta del Castillo’s killers.

Ramón Santiago Jiménez, one of the murderers of Sandra Palo

Ramón Santiago Jiménez, one of the murderers of Sandra Palo


Almost twenty years have passed since the crime of Sandra Palo, one of the cases that most impacted Spanish society and that is still newsworthy. Her mother, María del Mar Bermúdez, does not cease in her efforts to see justice done: it should be remembered that her daughter’s murderers, being minors, were tried under the juvenile law and did not receive the same treatment as the only convicted adult.

One of them was Ramón Santiago Jiménez, who at the age of 34 wanted to speak on television for the first time to publicly show his regret and ensure that “he would shoot himself three times in the head before doing something like that again.” A few words that María del Mar was listening to from the set of Live life.

Sandra Palo's mother, María del Mar Bermúdez, rejects the forgiveness of her daughter's murderer in 'Viva la vida'

Sandra Palo’s mother, María del Mar Bermúdez, rejects the forgiveness of her daughter’s murderer in ‘Viva la vida’


During the interview, Ramón explained that he will never be able to forget what he did, but that at that moment he was not a person, he was an animal: “I participated in everything, in the rape, in the murder and in everything, I tell you that yes, I did it because a judge told me, I don’t remember it”. In addition, the murderer also reported that he “is learning to live with what he did because he feels tremendously sorry and thinks about it every day.”

Sandra’s mother listened carefully to Ramón’s words of supposed forgiveness, but there was no consolation for María del Mar: “I don’t care if he can live or forget what happened, I can’t because the murder of my daughter was the cruelest in history, they did the worst thing to a human being, they raped her, ran her over, burned her alive, I don’t care what she’s saying because my heart is broken, what they did to Sandra not even the animals do it as he says”.

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Monica G. Alvarez


And despite Ramón’s repeated forgiveness, María del Ramón, in tears, acknowledged: “I don’t care that he is now a father, he will never be able to put himself in my place or that of my husband or my children, he will never know what pain really is.

During the broadcast of this interview, the networks were filled with a multitude of critics condemning giving voice to a murderer and branding what was seen in Live life as “cruelty, morbidity and violence”.

In fact, there were numerous users who alluded to the La Noria program to qualify Emma García’s format. “Do you remember how the program sank The Ferris Wheel after interviewing the mother of one of Marta del Castillo’s killers? Well, I hope that @ VivaLaVidaT5 has the same luck after interviewing one of Sandra Palo’s killers, “wrote one of the viewers.

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