The United States studies sanctioning the Central Bank of Russia

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The United States studies sanctioning the Central Bank of Russiawhere a large part of the 570,000 million euros in gold and foreign exchange reserves of the government of Vladimir Putin is located. The American President, Joe Bidentoday held a meeting by videoconference with its National Security Council to analyze the situation in Ukraine. The intelligence and military services consider that 50% of the troops that Russia had placed on the border have already entered Ukraine and that they are meeting more resistance than Putin expected, especially in the advance on Kiev. Several US media claim that Biden has offered Volodymyr Zelensky to evacuate him to a safe area outside the capitalalthough the Ukrainian president would have rejected the offer. In his first interview since the beginning of the invasion, Biden has justified the bet on sanctions, since intervening would mean “starting World War III”. The Biden administration has also passed a new urgent shipment of military material amounting to 350 million dollars. The question now is how to get it to Ukraine, since the airspace is closed.

Inform Fran Sevilla, correspondent in Washington

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