Spain is activated to welcome refugees in a common action of the EU

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The Government, the communities and town councils are starting preparations to receive the Ukrainian refugees who may arrive in the coming weeks and to attend to the citizens of this country who are already in Spain. The Ministry of the Interior has stopped any denial of asylum files in progress and the Ministry of Inclusion has given instructions to speed up these files while waiting to study the legal framework linked to the European directive that will be activated to welcome displaced people.

Given this Temporary Protection directive, which provides for the right to legal residence for Ukrainian refugees for up to three years, the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, said that it will be studied if it is the “most effective measure” to serve these citizens. The minister did not make estimates on Spain’s reception capacity and pointed out that it must be a European response.

The 106 Spaniards evacuated from Krakow arrive in Madrid and a hundred remain in Ukraine

The Executive works on the battery of measures that will be put in place to help the refugees and indicates that the aid plans will be deployed according to the needs. But in parallel, communities and municipalities have been launched, since Spain is the fourth country in Europe with the largest number of emigrants from Ukraine (112,000 registered in 2021), especially in Barcelona and Madrid. In this city, the president of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the mayor, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, met with the Minister Counselor for Business at the Embassy, ​​Dmytro Matiuschenko, to discuss the reception of refugees.

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In Catalonia, the Minister of Social Rights, Violant Cervera, yesterday visited the Ukrainian citizens who were traveling when the war broke out and who have been housed in shelters in Vic, Coma-ruga and l’Espluga de Francolí. At the moment there are 69 people sheltered and it is expected that up to 135 will need accommodation in the coming days. The Government will study the situation depending on whether they request asylum. In this context, health needs, the schooling of minors if necessary, and medium-term housing solutions will be addressed.

To deal with the situation in depth, the Conselleria d’ Igualtat has activated the table of the Committee for the Reception of Refugees. During the weekend, 55 requests were received related to the ways to reach Catalonia safely, the procedures to achieve asylum and the processes before future applications for family reunification.

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As of yesterday, more than 500,000 Ukrainians had already left the country while the European Union is preparing to implement the directive that was approved after the Balkan war, but has not been used. The UN estimates that up to 4 million people may be leaving the country. From the EU it was indicated that after crossing the border, it is being seen that many go to the States that already have a large Ukrainian population, including Spain.

In these initial preparations, the mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, yesterday approved an allocation of 200,000 euros for aid to refugees, as well as the preparation of shelters and other municipal facilities.

In this arrival scenario, the plane from Krakow (Poland) landed yesterday with the 106 Spaniards evacuated from Ukraine in the two convoys organized by the embassy. Forty citizens who arrived in Poland decided to stay there or make the journey on their own to Spain. At the airport they were received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares. The ambassador, the consul and a GEO team have stayed in Poland to continue helping Spaniards in need. According to Foreign Affairs, some 100 Spanish citizens have decided to remain in Ukraine.

The minister also encouraged the 3,000 Spaniards in Russia to leave the country quickly, since the airspace was closed yesterday.

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