Ayuso plays down iron Aznar's reproach to Casado but praises him as a political asset of the PP

“If someone wants a speech of empty words, they should not call him, because he is a thoughtful man, who always sits down and makes us think. If I had organized that rally, I would also have invited reflection and political debate by asking … ‘Stay in the Community of Madrid for what?; But what do we intend?’ Isabel Díaz Ayuso has tried to get out of the way in the open controversy this weekend within the PP after the intervention of José María Aznar in a campaign event in Castilla y León in which he indirectly reproached Pablo Casado for the strategy adopted from Genoa to bring forward the political cycle scheduled for 2023.

It was during an interview granted to ‘Public Mirror’ where the president of the Community of Madrid downplayed the words expressed by the former president of the Valladolid government, although she did not hesitate to praise him as a great political asset: “President Aznar is not a vase, has been the president of Spain who has united the center right in the largest absolute majorities it has ever had, making it a political reference for the Popular Party”, he pointed out in the aforementioned Antena 3 program.

“I don’t think it’s because of a matter of recaditos. If President Aznar wants to say something clearly, he does it,” Ayuso has sentenced in an attempt to park the debate.

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Asier Martiarena

ZAMORA, 01/29/2022.- The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, attends the campaign event in Zamora in support of the candidate for the presidency of Castilla y León, Luis Tudanca on the occasion of the elections of the next 13F.  EFE/Mariam A. Montesinos

The controversy surrounding the national roadmap set by Genoa after promoting the early elections in Castilla y León originated on Saturday afternoon during Aznar’s participation in the closing of a campaign event for the popular candidate for 13-F, Alfonso Fernandez Manueco.

The former Prime Minister had already warned as soon as he got on the lectern that he was going to speak bluntly because “in times of noise and fragmentation, what you have to do is be very clear.” And boy did he do it. “The issue is not who goes to Moncloa, but to do what,” he admonished before an audience dedicated to the architect of the historic cycle of more than three uninterrupted decades of popular governments in Castilla y León.

Without naming Casado at any time, Aznar explained his own recipe as opposed to the strategy undertaken by the current tenants of Genoa and explained that “you win to build. And building”, he continued “is integrating, not dividing; it is adding, not subtracting; it is joining forces, not dividing; it is designing common objectives, shared purposes and not sowing division, much less discord”.

Aznar still had time to leave one last message in the face of the foreseeable growth of Vox, attracting votes on the right flank: “There are many people who cling to supposedly cheap, magical solutions, to lying or false populism, because they do not have a strong referent in the which to trust”, he pointed out in contrast to the containment dam that Ayuso has meant for the ultranationalists in Madrid managing to govern the Community alone.

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24 hours later, the president of the PP, Pablo Casado, intervened in a campaign act defending his project for the party and for Spain, in a veiled reply to the former president of the Government José María Aznar, and recalling that it was established in the Convention of the PP held in Valencia and which represents his “investiture speech”. “What is the PP project? –he asked himself, to answer himself–: Our project is that the Spaniards can make their project a reality”.

In a rally that he shared in Ávila with the PP candidate for the presidency of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, Casado defended his “reformism”: “I am a reformist, I am even at home, because you have to reform all the time; reformism is the operating system of liberal democracy”.

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